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AICM/AIXM 4.5 Data Model

For AIXM 4.5 users: the AICM/AIXM 4.5 Data Model and Entity-Relationship Report.

Published in 2005, AICM/AIXM 4.5 was quickly superseded by a revolutionary version 5.0 in 2007. AIXM 4.5 is, surprisingly, still in use today by many AIS systems around the world, most notably the European AIS Database (EAD). Some commercial AIS databases on the market today were designed with this old data model and subsequently re-labelled as an AIM database. Don't be fooled! AIM requires AIXM 5.x because AIXM 4.5 does not support temporality, while AIXM 5.x does. No temporality means no AIP Supplement and no NOTAM in the same database as static data, and thus no central database, which is an ICAO recommendation for an AIM system.

Eurocontrol offers this report as a set of HTML and SVG files for download. It is, however, an old documentation that doesn't work well with today's browsers. Our AIM experts and developers made the necessary corrections to make it usable online, as a convenience to AIXM 4.5 users.

AIXM 4.5 users who become tired of the 15-years-old specification with its numerous limitations and lack of support for modern AIM concepts, please contact us. offers solutions to help you upgrade and migrate.